Tuesday 30 June 2009

2012 Comparison

The most notable comparision between 2012 teaser trailer and the official trailer is the length, the teaser is just over 1 minute whereas the official trailer is is near to 3 minutes. The teaser trailer shows me one big part of the film and puts emphasise on that so it can draw the viewer in. Also it has 4 text clips which makes the viewer want to know more about the film, because of this it creates anticipation for the film which a teaser trailer is suppose to do.

The full trailer has narrative to give us more insight into what the film is about. The trailer shows more scenes with big budget special effects which, like the teaser trailer will create more anticipation for the film. Also, it introduces characters one of which is Danny Glover who is famous, so because of that fans of his will want to go and see the film. The trailer shows alot of a family which makes me think that they are centering the film around the family because they are involved in alot of the major disasters which happen They show the director and what films he has made like Independance Day and The Day After Tomorrow which are both successful films.

The other major difference is the number of clips in each of the trailers, in the teaser there are around 17 clips whereas in the full trailer there are just over 100 clips. This is expected because in the teaser they show just one events but there are alot of panning around the disaster and focusing on the same person. In the full trailer they have to show more major disasters and more characters so that the film can gain momentum before its release, so with the special effects and the characters the trailer should do so.

2012 Teaser Trailer and Official Trailer

Teaser Trailer

Official Trailer