Wednesday 21 October 2009

The Shining Trailer

The Shining arguably the best horror films ever put out. This trailer doesn't show alot but lets people understand what it is all about. The music is scary in its own right the plucking of the strings, the low drum, the high pitch noise, altogether makes the trailer scary. They make you wait and wonder whats going to happen by playing the music for 55 seconds only showing the text scrolling up the screen and the lift and furniture, this is to create suspense and get into the audience minds. They then proceed to have blood pouring out of the lifts and eventually hitting the camera and moving the furniture, this has the shock factor aswell as the gruesome side of the trailer.
This film also produced an iconic cinematic moment which to this day is still talked about, it also the films most famour sequence in the film. It is when Jack (Jack Nicholson) uses his axe to break through the door but only a piece breaks off, he then sticks his face througb the door, with a crazy look on his face and shouts "Here's Johnny!".

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