Sunday 17 January 2010

[EDITING] Second Session

Today was the second session of editing, now that we have learnt how to use this new laptop and placed all clips into their correct folders, we now have to find the best clips we made and start placing them together.

We out all of our chosen clips together which made the length of the teaser trailer 1:42minutes, with past research it has shown me that this amount of time is not acceptable for a teaser trailer, so when we saw this we made the decision to cut down the teaser trailer to 50seconds to 1:10minutes. This will take a lot of editing as we still haven't added in the black screens and some fades which might be in the teaser, these we believe will add up to 5-10seconds of footage, in theory we need to cut at the very least 42seconds of footage, which hopefully won't be too hard.

Once we put the the clips together we made the choice that each character will be shown simultaneously getting stalked by their killer, this is because I believe that it is very unique to do such a thing as I haven't seen it in any of the teaser trailers I have watched over the past 2 months and it will add into the theme of horror and the name of the killer Lucifer will as he will be every everywhere all at one time. This will make the audience start to think how is he doing this as well as why he is stalking these 3 people.

We looked at this trailer to give us ideas on the way we should edit our teaser trailer.

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