Tuesday 23 March 2010

[EXCLUSIVE] Silent Footsteps Teaser Trailer

After finishing the the editing we had to create the music which was hard but was done after several sessions and alot of work from Usman who we heavily relied on when making this music.

As you can see we wanted the music to start of slow so it would match the teasers pace, but once the character runs the msuic drops and the pace of the teaser picks up. The actual scene lengths are shortened to 1 second each until the end which again makes the teaser look quicker and the music helps this aswell. We wanted it to end with a shock, which I believe we accomplished with how the teaser ended, because of this I believe that once watched people would want to see the whole film.


  1. It was good but the beginning seemed basic, the eagle pictures bit should have been artistic like you see in the movies.

  2. Das sick still I didn't no u could do dat nick. If u did it i da dark doe it mite look better.

  3. is decent....but.....man cudnt read da bit wer it sed da 'if you past' make dem longer an it cud be betta lol.

  4. That music is decent, did you make it yourself? I like this you need to make more.

  5. The person in my group made the majority of the music but I and the other people in the group contributed whilst he was making it.
    When you guys comment use proper English please.
