Monday 7 December 2009

[FILMING] Day 1 & Pictures

This was the first day of filming, we was unsure if it would work out as there was some rain before we went out, and once we got to the location it started spitting but it didn't affect the filming.

Film Location : Tooting; Chetwode Rd, Holdemesse Rd and Trinity Cresent.

Today we film shots with Samuel Mante aka Jason and Usman Sheikh aka Lucifer. We had 2 ideas one was a slow paced stalker theme and other other was a fast paced supernatural ghostlike theme, luckily enough we was able to shot both of the ideas with alot of shots and angles. We wanted alot of shots from different angles as it would gives us a variety of shots to work with once we start to edit. As it was raining before we filmed I believe that it added to the footage and fits in well with our genre, during the filming it started to spit a little which you can just slightly see in the camera but it didn't affect us at all, infact it actually added that extra something to the shots that we needed.

We came to the conclusion that on each filming day we all would have our jobs to do depending who is there.
For today the roles were as such:
Me - cameraman/ideas guy
Usman - actor/ideas guy
Samual - actor
Mark - photographer/cameraman

We believe that assigning roles for each day will make us more organised and efficient, which will make the filming easier and less stressfull.

Here are the pictures from where we was filming this part of the teaser trailer:
Tooting Pictures

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