Tuesday 15 December 2009

[FILMING] Day 3 & Pictures

The third day of filming which is the house scene, before we got to the location we came up with some really good ideas. Then once we got to the location we came up with even more ideas, as we were able to see what we was actually filming so we could change and add some shots.

Location: Stockwell, Inside home.

Todays roles:
Me - actor
Usman - camerman/actor
Mark - idea guy/photographer
Samuel - Had college lessons so we didn't want him to miss them so he didn't have to come, but we did fill him in on what was going on and what the final shots were by text and I believe that we have achieved this.

Today we shot me(Nicholas Andrews) aka Lee and Usman Sheikh aka Lucifer in my home and just outside it. We wanted shots that were both slow paced and fast paced. The artificial lighting in my flat made the shots look more real and intimate because we wanted to show that this was my house and that I was somewhat successful as I can own my own flat. We had some real good shots and one not really good shot. One was on the window seal looking down and out of the window showing my walking into my block, this was a really good shot one which we made up on the day. The not so shot was when we tried to film me walking into my block through the intercom camera, it didn't look good as there was black lines going down the screen. There was another horrorish shot where I am sitting on my couch and Lucifer walks down my corridor but I don't see him, I believe that this adds to the suspense or whats going to happen or am i going to see him.

Again like previous days we took alot of shots with alot of different angles, this should help us with editing. This was the last day of filming and now we have to edit.

Here are the pictures from the final location for our teaser trailer:
Stockwell Pictures

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