Wednesday 9 December 2009

[FILMING] Day 2 & Pictures

Second day of filming and we was optimistic with this day as the ideas which we came up with prior to filming was really good and the location was somewhat exciting based on the ideas we came up with.

Location: Southside Wandsworth Car Park.

Todays roles:
Me - cameraman/idea guy
Usman - actor/idea guy
Mark - actor/photographer
Samuel - Had college lessons so we didn't want him to miss them so he didn't have to come, but we did fill him in on what was going on and what the final shots were by text.

Today we shot Mark Ahmed aka Tom and Usman Shiekh aka Lucifer in the car park. The shots we was looking for today was more slow paced than day 1, yet it was more menacing and dark themed. We hoped that the natural light from outside the car park and the artificial lighting the car park has would be enough to make the shots not look too dark but not too light and I believe that is what we accomplished today. We played with a hand held shot which was tricky but I reckon that it came out ok and with a bit of editing it will look better than what I saw whilst filming it. I took a classic shot which I have seen many times in thrillers and horrors where a dark shadow walks across the screen and the person can't see them but turns around just was the shadow leaves the screen.

Just like day 1 we took alot of shots with different angles so we can have a variety of shots to work with whilst editing begins.

Here are pictures from the location we filmed this part of the teaser trailer:
Southside Carpark Pictures

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