Thursday 18 February 2010

[MUSIC] First Session

For the first session of creating the music we had to learn this new software on the Apple Mac Pro called 'GarageBand'. Our teacher showed us a tutorial from the internet, which gave us an insight into how use it. So for today the session was to play around with this new software and learn the basics, which I believe we did and we even started to look at certain instruments that we could use. We looked at some pianos and found a couple of emotional piano loops which we could use.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Wandsworth City Learning Centre

W went to WCLC to learn how to use photoshop, so that we could create our magazine covers and posters. This was very useful as now I can use adobe photoshop to create the posters and magazine covers.
These are the first draft using photoshop for our poster and magazine cover.

Draft Magazine & Poster

As you can see we started but was unable to finish the poster and magazine. However, because of what we learnt at Wandsworth CLC we are now able to leave and do the poster and magazine cover without the need to ask for help from a professional.

We have come up with 3 more ideas for a poster and 2 more ideas for a magazine cover, which we intend to make and hopefully once finished be able to choose the best ones. Also, we may ask outside sources to choose which ones are the best, this might help us choose the best poster and magazine.

Poster Ideas & Pictures

We came together and had a brainstorm on what our poster should look like, we came up with several ideas and drew them.
These are the 1st draft drawings we have done:
Poster Ideas

The drawings are very basic I know, but we didn't want to take long and make the drawings perfect as we, at this point still weren't sure what the actual posters were going to be.
However, we did come to the conclusion that we will make 2 or 3 posters so we can have options to decide which one is the best, instead of having only 1 choice we will have a few which I believe is better.

Thursday 4 February 2010

[EDITING] Fifth Session

Today was the last session of editing our teaser trailer. As we have alot of work to do it was me and Usman working on the editing and Mark and Samuel working on the posters.
The things we needed to accomplish today were:
- Make the clips quicker in the middle part of the teaser.
- Add the director and actor names.
- Come to a decision of what production company we will be using.
- Make sure that it doesn't go above 1 minute.

The first thing we did was make the clips quicker, so what we had to do was edit the middle clips between certain black screens as this was the quickest part of the teaser trailer. We made the clips between 1-1.5 seconds long, whilst doing this we had to make sure that it all still made sense which was very hard but we was able to do this.

We added the directors name and his credentials aswell as the actors name and credentials. The director was Diego DeMoro who was a Golden Globe winner for the film 'Around The Corner' and Usman Shiekh was an Academy Award winner for lead actor.

The production company is called EAGLE Productions and there logo will be imported into the teaser trailer once it has been made.

After all of the editing was finished the teaser trailer lasted 56seconds with everything added. We are happy with the current outcome of it but once the music has been made and put on to it, we believe that it will make the teaser alot better.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

[EXCLUSIVE] Teaser Trailer Pictures

The editing for the teaser trailer is nearly coming to its end; there are minor changes we have to make and then we have to make the music, so I decided to put up some exclusive pictures from the teaser trailer.
Here are the pictures:

How to make an effective poster

Over the past month I have looked at many movie posters and as seen in a previous post I have analyzed some aswell, the main place I looked for movie poster ideas was IMP Awards and because of this I believe I have found out how to make a effective poster.

- The main image must stand out from the rest of the poster.

- It must include the film name, release date, actors, producers, directors, production companies, distribution companies, photographers, music producers.

- The theme of the poster should represent the title of the film.

- The background picture would be more appealing if it has something to do with the film.

- The font should represent the theme of the poster.

How to make an effective magazine cover

Over the past month I have looked and studied alot of movie magazine covers like Empire Magazine, Total Film Magazine, Impact Magazine and Premiere Magazine. I have noticed certain trends which have made all of their magazines effective.

- The main character is made the focal point of the entire cover.

- The theme of the film is usually incorporated with the magazine.

- The magazine name is usually in the background of the cover, in special circumstances their name goes with the theme of the film.

- The film name depending on how recognized the film is, is usually in the middle of the cover right across the picture so it can be seen, if it is well known just the character being shown will let the audience know what the cover is about.

- They occasionally mention other films either right at the bottom or on the right hand side of the cover; this would include reviews, interviews.

- Very rarely there could be a promotional offer shown on the cover like a free poster or win free tickets for a film.

Magazine Analysis

Since we had to make a magazine cover we wanted to look at covers so we went on Empire website and found some popular covers as well as some very creative ones. we chose 8 of them and decided to annotate them and see if we could find a common trend or something that stands out to make each one of them different. Also, we wanted to get an idea on what our magazine cover should/might look like.

Magazine Analysis

[EDITING] Fourth Session

Today we near the final session for editing, I believe that I might have 1 editing session before I have officially finished editing the teaser(thats not including adding the music). During the last session my teacher told us that most teaser trailers are usually under 1minute; which he is right, and that our teaser trailer was going just abit too slow and explained that when you watch teaser trailers they usually start going really fast with short and shorter clips as it gets to the end; again he was right.

During this session our aim was to make the teaser trailer shorter and to make the clips shorter; by doing so it will speed up the film and make it look like a real teaser trailer you would see in the cinema or on youtube. So we wanted to put everything in the teaser trailer that will be at there once we have finished minus the music. So we had to add the production company, saying that the film was an adaptation and the title screen, when all of this was added the teaser went from 1:01minutes to 1:11minutes.

What we did was take out alot of the fades that was not needed to be there, we cut down certain clips that didn't need to be so long and we moved the 3 black screens containing our tagline so they weren't so far apart; this was done so that the audience wouldn't forget the tagline. Overall, we had done what we wanted to do from the beginning, made it start slow but then gradually go quicker with shorter clips; one thing I made sure was that when shortening the clips and moving them around, they would all make sense.

This session was very successful as we made the teaser trailer go to 51seconds long and made it look quicker with the shorter clips. I believe with a few minor changes I will only need 1 more session to finish the editing of the teaser trailer and once the music is made then it will be a very good teaser trailer.

Poster Analysis

Me and my group have looked at posters which are a both close to the genre of our teaser trailer and has the same sort of idea which we have for our poster. We each analyzed different posters and will take them into consideration when choosing the final idea for the our poster.


Tuesday 2 February 2010

[EXCLUSIVE] Poster Pictures

Today we took some pictures which we believe will be in our poster for out teaser trailer. Here are 5 of the 28 pictures we took just to give a sample of what sort of pictures we was going for.

If you look at the pictures as normal stills they don't look like much but these pictures have 3 ideas incorporated with them, and when we learn how to use photoshop the posters should include some of these pictures.
However, I must say that we will be taking more pictures and hopefully with a better quality camera so that our poster will be of the highest quality

Monday 1 February 2010

[FIRST DRAFT] Storyboard

This was our draft storyboard:
First Draft Storyboard

As you can see this was our first draft storyboard, from our first idea we came up with for the teaser trailer. It coincides with our first draft shooting plan; which I have already posted.

[FIRST DRAFT] Shooting Plan

This was our first draft shooting plan:
First Draft Shooting Plan

This was our first draft of the shooting plan, we made it a draft because certain things may come up and we might need to change the day we shoot the scenes. Also, as this was our first idea for the teaser trailer, we didn't want to rule out other ideas. At this point we hadn't thought of our official name yet, so we called it Echo Of Silence which was the first idea for the title we came up with.

This shooting plan was made before the actual shooting of the teaser trailer and you will see there have been significant changes to the shooting plan and the whole idea from my other blog posts.