Sunday 14 February 2010

Wandsworth City Learning Centre

W went to WCLC to learn how to use photoshop, so that we could create our magazine covers and posters. This was very useful as now I can use adobe photoshop to create the posters and magazine covers.
These are the first draft using photoshop for our poster and magazine cover.

Draft Magazine & Poster

As you can see we started but was unable to finish the poster and magazine. However, because of what we learnt at Wandsworth CLC we are now able to leave and do the poster and magazine cover without the need to ask for help from a professional.

We have come up with 3 more ideas for a poster and 2 more ideas for a magazine cover, which we intend to make and hopefully once finished be able to choose the best ones. Also, we may ask outside sources to choose which ones are the best, this might help us choose the best poster and magazine.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the poster, looks very cool and would catch people attention : )

    Keep going they'll just keep improving!
