Wednesday 3 February 2010

[EDITING] Fourth Session

Today we near the final session for editing, I believe that I might have 1 editing session before I have officially finished editing the teaser(thats not including adding the music). During the last session my teacher told us that most teaser trailers are usually under 1minute; which he is right, and that our teaser trailer was going just abit too slow and explained that when you watch teaser trailers they usually start going really fast with short and shorter clips as it gets to the end; again he was right.

During this session our aim was to make the teaser trailer shorter and to make the clips shorter; by doing so it will speed up the film and make it look like a real teaser trailer you would see in the cinema or on youtube. So we wanted to put everything in the teaser trailer that will be at there once we have finished minus the music. So we had to add the production company, saying that the film was an adaptation and the title screen, when all of this was added the teaser went from 1:01minutes to 1:11minutes.

What we did was take out alot of the fades that was not needed to be there, we cut down certain clips that didn't need to be so long and we moved the 3 black screens containing our tagline so they weren't so far apart; this was done so that the audience wouldn't forget the tagline. Overall, we had done what we wanted to do from the beginning, made it start slow but then gradually go quicker with shorter clips; one thing I made sure was that when shortening the clips and moving them around, they would all make sense.

This session was very successful as we made the teaser trailer go to 51seconds long and made it look quicker with the shorter clips. I believe with a few minor changes I will only need 1 more session to finish the editing of the teaser trailer and once the music is made then it will be a very good teaser trailer.

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