Wednesday 3 February 2010

How to make an effective magazine cover

Over the past month I have looked and studied alot of movie magazine covers like Empire Magazine, Total Film Magazine, Impact Magazine and Premiere Magazine. I have noticed certain trends which have made all of their magazines effective.

- The main character is made the focal point of the entire cover.

- The theme of the film is usually incorporated with the magazine.

- The magazine name is usually in the background of the cover, in special circumstances their name goes with the theme of the film.

- The film name depending on how recognized the film is, is usually in the middle of the cover right across the picture so it can be seen, if it is well known just the character being shown will let the audience know what the cover is about.

- They occasionally mention other films either right at the bottom or on the right hand side of the cover; this would include reviews, interviews.

- Very rarely there could be a promotional offer shown on the cover like a free poster or win free tickets for a film.

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