Thursday 4 February 2010

[EDITING] Fifth Session

Today was the last session of editing our teaser trailer. As we have alot of work to do it was me and Usman working on the editing and Mark and Samuel working on the posters.
The things we needed to accomplish today were:
- Make the clips quicker in the middle part of the teaser.
- Add the director and actor names.
- Come to a decision of what production company we will be using.
- Make sure that it doesn't go above 1 minute.

The first thing we did was make the clips quicker, so what we had to do was edit the middle clips between certain black screens as this was the quickest part of the teaser trailer. We made the clips between 1-1.5 seconds long, whilst doing this we had to make sure that it all still made sense which was very hard but we was able to do this.

We added the directors name and his credentials aswell as the actors name and credentials. The director was Diego DeMoro who was a Golden Globe winner for the film 'Around The Corner' and Usman Shiekh was an Academy Award winner for lead actor.

The production company is called EAGLE Productions and there logo will be imported into the teaser trailer once it has been made.

After all of the editing was finished the teaser trailer lasted 56seconds with everything added. We are happy with the current outcome of it but once the music has been made and put on to it, we believe that it will make the teaser alot better.

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